✨ Welcome to Invest with Tess ✨

Hello, I'm Tess! 
I'm a real estate investor based in Las Vegas. 
Through my various projects, I help individuals like yourself earn double digit returns backed by real estate. 
Want to learn more?
TAKE ACTION and book a discovery call with me today!



    I’m constantly juggling a handful of projects, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

    Dive in with me here to get a play-by-play on the good (wins!), the bad (lessons!) & the ugly (rookie mistakes!).


    Let’s talk shop.

    Lead generation, business set-up, cash flow analysis, partnership structures…

    These are the nitty-gritty details of real estate investing.


    I’m a firm believer that you must take care of yourself first in order to give everyone else in your circle your best self.

    As a new found personal development junkie, I’m excited to share my resources, recent readings and personal goals & routines with you here.

Let’s keep in touch! 📲


Hi Everyone!
Tess here…
I made the transition from secure, corporate employee to solo entrepreneur seeking a lifestyle that was aligned with my greater vision -- one that allowed me (and my family!) greater flexibility, freedom and fulfillment. 
Truthfully, it’s been a hellava rollercoaster. And one I would ride again, again & again!
Want to know more about it!? Let's keep in touch! 
Sign up for my monthly newsletter where you'll receive real-life insights about current projects, REI tips & tricks and inspirational stories as I document my own success & challenges in this journey👇.